Everything You Need to Know About Granola in Malaysia

Have you ever heard about Granola?

If you haven’t, then this article is for you!

Granola is considered one of the healthiest breakfasts and snack food. The definition of Granola may sound simple but there is so much more about it.

We as Malaysian may have heard about Granola recently. Although it was introduced in 1863, it became famous in the late 1960s when Layton Gentry introduced the recipe for modern granola. The first mass manufacturing granola started in 1972 and the market is poised to grow by US$2.32b 2025.

Granola is defined as a mixture of rolled oats, nuts, grains, dried fruits, nut bars, and even puffed rice with sweeteners like sugar or honey.

But, the innovation in the granola market includes ingredients like chocolates, syrups, and even different types of oils to come up with unique favorable tastes.

In this article, we will get to know about the health benefits and downsides of granola.

Nutritional value of Granola

According to nutritional experts, Granola is rich in protein, fiber, and other beneficial micronutrients (might include zinc, magnesium, selenium, B vitamins, and more).

However, there is no specific nutritional profile for Granola as it purely depends on the different ingredients used.

The table below compares the nutrients of two different Granola brands, one is Welnuts and another is Brand X (we don’t want to mention our competitor here)

As you can see there is no significant difference in terms of the nutritional fact except for the sugar content. This is because both granola products are similar in terms of ingredients.

Commonly, granola with dried fruits tends to have more sugar compared to the nut or seed-based varieties which are higher in protein.

Benefits of Granola

There are very few studies that indicate the benefits of granola. However, common ingredients like almonds, cashew, flax seeds, chia seed, and oats lead to great health benefits.

So, let’s get started with the benefits of Granola.

Rich in protein and fiber

Most granola in the market is high in protein and fiber, which keeps you filling. You can easily control your hunger by having granola in the morning.

According to research, any food rich in protein influences the fullness hormones like ghrelin and GLP-1.

You can easily find high-protein ingredients like nuts in granola which includes almonds, cashew, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, hemp, sesame, and many more.

In addition to protein, nuts also contain a variety of fibers that helps to increase digestion time and make you feel fuller. This will help people who need appetite control.

Improves blood pressure

High fiber ingredients in granola are extremely helpful in reducing blood pressure. Granola with oats or flax seeds is the best one to consume to keep your blood pressure low.

Reduces LDL (Bad Cholesterol)

Oats contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber that’s best in reducing total and LDL cholesterol levels. Having granola as one of your meals can reduce the risk of getting heart disease.

Improves gut health

According to several scientific research studies, granola has been found to increase healthy gut bacteria level compared to any other type of cereal based breakfast.

Contains important antioxidants

Granola has ingredients like Brazil nuts, coconut, chia seed which are commonly known to have inflammation-fighting antioxidants like gallic acid, quercetin, selenium, and vitamin E.

Other than these great benefits, granola has been the best choice for individuals who love traveling especially hikers and backpackers. Granola is easy to store, and you can keep them for a long-time and consume them anytime you want.

Although the trend of granola being made into snack bars are on the rise, it is not a healthy choice. Snack bars made from granola are highly processed and added with additives, sugar, and oil.

You want to stay away from it to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Disadvantages of Granola

Despite having some of the great health benefits, granola can be high in calories and loaded with additives and sugars that can cause adverse effects to your health.

Moreover, the common granola in the market often includes fats like coconut oil, nut butter, and vegetable oils. These oils are used to bind the ingredients and help with the toasting process. In some granola, you can see flavoring being added as well.

These additional ingredients add tons of calories. If you choose to eat more than the suggested portion, it can lead to weight gain and increase your risk of metabolic diseases and obesity.

Other than that, some granolas have 4-5 teaspoons (17-20 grams) of sugar in a single serving. It is common for individuals to eat more than the specified portion and you’re most likely to take more sugar in just a single meal.

As you all know, consuming too much sugar increases your risk of diabetes, heart diseases, obesity, and also different types of cancer in some cases.  

So, it is important to check the ingredients when you purchase granola. Even some granolas with chocolate chips or dried fruits will have added sugar.

How to Choose A Healthy Granola in Malaysia?

Before purchasing granola of your choice, make sure to read the nutritional label. You can still shop for flavored or sweetened granola if you don’t have any health issues. Consuming sweet food products occasionally does not cause harm to your body in the long run.

However, you need to make sure the granola of your choice any of these important ingredients:

  • Oats
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Dried fruits

You also need to check for protein and fiber. Look for the ones with at least 3-5 grams of fiber for every serving.

Although many articles suggest making granola on your own to avoid excess fat and sugar, it can be difficult for people with a busy schedule.

You can certainly purchase the granola of your choice online and watch out for your portions.


Compared to any other cereals, granola is far more nutritious and filling.

With a variety of choices in the market that are high in calories, you can choose the one that suits your diet and control your portions.

So, have you tried granola in Malaysia?

Share your experience with us by commenting below.